
参考文献:病例2 头痛和TCD

栏目:《神经内科病例分析---入门与提高》 » 第二篇  病 例 篇 » 第一章  入  门 » 病例2 头痛和TCD

1. Wang SJ. Epidemiology of migraine and other types of headache in Asia. Curr Neurol Neurosci Rep, 2003, 3(2):104-108 2. Cheung RT. Prevalence of migraine, tension-type headache, and other headaches in Hong Kong. Headache, 2000, 40(6):473-479 3. Jensen MB, Chacon MR, Aleu A. Cervicocerebral arterial dissection. Neurologist, 2008, 14(1):5-6 4. Ducros A, Boukobza M, Porcher R, et al. The clinical and radiological spectrum of reversible cerebral vasoconstriction syndrome. A prospective series of 67 patients. Brain, 2007, 130(Pt 12):3091-3101 5. Abbass A, Lovas D, Purdy A. Direct diagnosis and management of emotional factors in chronic headache patients. Cephalalgia, 2008 6. Resnick S, Reyes-Iglesias Y, Carreras K, et al. Migraine with aura associated with reversible MRI abnormalities. Neurology, 2006, 66(6):946-947 7. La Spina I, Calloni MV, Porazzi D. Transcranial Doppler monitoring of a migraine with aura attack from the prodromal phase to the end. Headache, 1994, 34(10):593-596 8. Thomsen LL, Iversen HK, Olesen J. Cerebral blood flow velocities are reduced during attacks of unilateral migraine without aura. Cephalalgia, 1995, 15(2):109-116

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