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[8]Edward M. Brecher. Licit & Illicit Drugs [M]. Boston: Little, Brown and Company, 1972, p.6.
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[10]David F. Musto. The American Disease[M]. New York: Oxford University Press, 1999, p.65.
[11]H. H. Kane. Opium Smoking in America and China[M]. New York, 1882, cited in Charles E Terry & Mildred Pellens. The Opium Problem, New York: Bureau of Social Hygiene, 1928, p.73.
[12]Anon. “The Opium Habit”[J]. in Catholic World 33, September, 1881, p.828.
[13]John Witherspoon. “Oration on Medicine, a Protest Against Some of the Evils in the Profession of Medicine”[J]. JAMA 34, 1900, p.1591.
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[15]Letter from HW to CHB, 9 Feb., 1910, WP, entry 31.
[16]H. H. Kane. Opium Smoking in America and China[M]. New York, 1882, cited in Charles E. Terry and Mildred Pellens. The Opium Problem, New York: Bureau of Social Hygiene, 1928, p.73.
[17]Charles E. Terry and Mildred Pellens. The Opium Problem[M]. New York: Bureau of Social Hygiene, 1928, p.73.
[18]Edward M. Brecher. Licit and Illicit Drugs [M]. Boston: Little, Brown and Company, 1972, p.45.
[19]Laws of Pennsylvania of the Session of 1860, Act No. 374, Title I, Section 70, “Selling Poisons”, p.401; Ohio Laws, 1885—1887, Vol. 82, p.49, passed 6 Feb., 1885; Laws of Illinois, passed 11 June, 1897, p.138.
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[21]查尔斯·特利同时也是美国早期毒品史巨著《鸦片问题》(The Opium Problem)的作者。1928年出版的该书是第一部系统介绍美国早期禁毒史的著作。——笔者按
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[31]Annual Report, Michigan State Board of Health, 1878, p.13.
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