
无疑,《哈里森法》本身所具有的内外两个方面的作用增加了其固有的分量。对内而言,该法以联邦法律形式正式宣布了非医用麻醉品的使用所存在的非道德性与非法性,从而在联邦层面上为从19世纪以来逐渐形成的社会舆论正式界定了非法吸毒行为在道德上的反社会性质,这就为今日美国所发动的“毒品战争”(War on Drugs)[46]以及针对毒品作为商品在流通领域各环节所实施的“零宽容政策”[47]奠定了联邦最初的法律与舆论基础。在此基础上,以《哈里森法》所提倡的“禁止”理念为主线的美国禁毒法体系得到了不断丰富与完善。对外而言,由禁毒外交政策的影响而出现的《哈里森法》,使美国禁毒外交有了一个强有力的法律后盾去实现其“理想主义”外交理念。虽然早期的美国禁毒外交因实力的限制而无法在早期国际禁毒运动中实现其完整的理念,但是,作为国际禁毒体系中的一支不可或缺的力量,由《哈里森法》所明确的联邦法律惩戒模式的禁止理念,无疑对于美国禁毒外交政策的进一步实施产生了积极的作用。



[1]Letter from H. Wright to C. H. Brian, 29 Nov., 1909, WP, entry 33.

[2]Letter from H. Wright to D. J. Foster, 28 April, 1910, WP, entry 51.

[3]David F. Musto. The American Disease[M]. New York: Oxford University Press, 1999, pp.41-42, pp.317-318.

[4]Letter from H. Wright to Charles B. Towns, 21 April, 1914, WP, entry 36.

[5]Importation and Use of Opium, 31 May, 1910, House, 61st Cong., 2nd Sess., GPO, 1910, p.503.

[6]“这项法案因为遭到制药行业以及那些认为它擅自扩大了联邦警察的权力而违宪之人群的反对而成废案。”(This bill Opposed by the pharmaceutical industry and by those who felt that it would be an unconstitutional expansion of federal police powers.) Drugs and the Whole Person,[EB/OL].[12 Dec. 2010]http://drugsandwholeperson.tripod.com/id15.html.

[7]Special Message of the President: The Opium Traffic, Senate Doc. No. 736, 61st Cong., 3rd Sess., 11 Jan., 1911, p.2, p.7.


[9]Importation and Use of Opium, Hearings before the House Committee on Ways and Means, 11 Jan. 1911, 61st Cong., 3rd Sess. GPO, 1911, p.49, p.84.

[10]J. H. Beal. Editorial, JAPhA 2, 1913, pp.737-740.

[11]Cong. Rec., House, 50, pt. 3, 63rd Cong., 1st Sess., 26 June, 1913, GPO, 1913, pp.2191-2211.

[12]Senate Finance Committee's “Registration of Persons Dealing in Opium”, Senate Report No. 258, 18 Feb., 1914, 63rd Cong., and Sess. GPO, 1914.

[13]Bertil A. Renoerg. International Drug Control[M]. Washington D. C.: Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, 1949, pp.15ff.

[14]International Opium Conference, The Hague, 1 December, 1911-23 January, 1912. Summary of the Minutes (Unofficial), The Hague: National Printing Office, 1912, p.105.

[15]Cong. Rec., Senate 50, 21 April, 1913, 63rd Cong. Special Sess. p.265.

[16]Second International opium Conference, Senate Doc., No. 157, 63rd Cong., 1st Sess. GPO, 1913.

[17]David F. Musto. The American Disease[M]. New York: Oxford University Press, 1999, p.53.

[18]Charles E. Terry. “Drug Addictions, A Public Health Problem”[J]. AJPH 4, 1914, pp.28-37.

[19]Brown, Lucius P.. “Enforcement of the Tennessee Anti-narcotic Law”[J]. AJPH 5, 1915, pp.323-333.

[20]美国其他一些重要的国家级药品贸易组织的建立及其日期为美国专卖药协会(PAA,1881年);国家药品零售商协会(NARD,1898年);美国药品制造商协会(1908年);国家医学用品生产协会(1912年),由处方药品制造商组成并于1958年与美国药品制造商协会合并。参见Glenn Sonnedecker. Kremer's and Urdang's History of Pharmacy[M]. 3rd Edition, Philadelphia: Lippincott, 1963, pp.188ff。

[21]美国药学会创立于1852年,其原始的主张强调的是严格的专业标准,这与初期入门简单的美国医学会的标准格格不入,故而自开始以来就与美国医学会关系欠佳。当时的医生为了提高收入而参与分发麻醉品行为是两个行业关系紧张的一个重要原因。总的来说,药学会认为严格的麻醉品法有益于公共福利事业的发展,也对药学机构的进步有积极作用。所以,他们在法律模式创立之初是持支持态度的。参见[EB/OL].[26 Feb. 2011]http://www.pharmacist.com/Content/NavigationMenu3/AboutAPha/History/APhA_History.htm。

[22]“The NDTC Operated and Its Initial Membership”, JAPhA 2, 1913, pp.238-239.

[23]Cong. Rec., House 50, pt.3, 26 June, 1913, 63rd Cong., 1st Sess. p.2210.

[24]The Harrison Narcotics Tax Act, Public Law, No. 223, 63rd Congress.

[25]“Registration of Producers and Importers of Opium”[R]. House Rept. No. 23, 24 June, 1913, 63rd Cong.,1st Sess. GPO, 1913.

[26]“More about the Harrison Bill”[J]. JAPhA 3, 1914, pp.1-4.

[27]JAPhA 2, 1913, pp.628-633.

[28]Editorial, JAPhA 4, 1914, pp.4-8.

[29]“The Atlanta Constitution”, 27 Dec., 1914.

[30]New York Times, 2 February, 1914.

[31]Christopher Koch. “Literary Digest”, 28 March, 1914, p.687.

[32]E. H. Williams. New York Times, 8 February, 1914.

[33]Williams, E. H.. Opiate Addiction: Its Handling and Treatment[M]. New York: Macmillan, 1922, pp.247-249.

[34]《哈里森法》的详细内容可参照The Harrison Narcotics Tax Act (1914), Public Law No. 223, 63rd Cong.,或者参阅毒品图书馆相关资料[EB/OL].[23 Oct. 2010]http://www.druglibrary.org/schaffer/history/e1910/harrisonact.htm。

[35]Lawrence Kolb & A. G. DuMez. “The Prevalence and Trend of Drug Addiction in the United States and Factors Influencing it”[R]. Public Health Report 39, No. 21, 1924, pp.1200-1202.

[36]Steven R. Belenko. Drugs and Drug Policy in America[M]. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 2000, p.60.

[37]Thomas C. Rowe. Federal Narcotics Laws and the War on Drugs[M]. New York, London and Oxford: The Haworth Press, 2006, p.19.

[38]David R. Bewley-Taylor. The United States and International Drug Control[M]. New York: Continuum, 1999, p.29.

[39]David F. Musto. The American Disease[M]. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1999, p.65.

[40]David R. Bewley-Taylor. The United States and International Drug Control[M]. New York: Continuum, 1999, p.26.

[41]“Drug Law Timeline”[EB/OL].[24 Oct. 2010]http://www.druglibrary.org/schaffer/history/drug_law_timeline.htm;Record of NAABT: A History of Opiate Laws in the United States[EB/OL].[4 Dec. 2010]http://www.naabt.org/laws.cfm.

[42]Arnold. H. Taylor. American Diplomacy and Narcotics Traffic, 1900—1939[M]. Durham, N. C.: Duke University Press, 1969, pp.302-305.

[43]Edward M. Brecher. Licit and Illicit Drugs[M]. Boston-Toronto: Little, Brown and Company, 1972, p.56.

[44]Norman H. Clark. Deliver Us from Evil: An Interpretation of American Prohibition[M]. New York: Norton, 1976, p.222.

[45]David R. Bewley-Taylor. The United States and International Drug Control[M]. New York: Continuum, 1999, p.25.


[47]“零宽容政策”是以美国为代表的禁毒政策。除了美国之外,世界上实行“零宽容政策”的主要国家还有中国、瑞典、意大利、日本、新加坡、印度以及俄罗斯等。[EB/OL].[12 Dec. 2010]http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zero_tolerance.

[48]Norman H. Clark. Deliver Us from Evil: An Interpretation of American Prohibition[M]. New York: Norton, 1976, p.223.

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